National United Methodist Campers
Tuesday, March 11, 2025


The National United Methodist Campers, Inc (NUMC) was organized as the National Camping Methodists Inc. (NCM) in Connecticut in 1975.  The name was changed in 2001.


The purpose of NUMC is:
-To enjoy the out-of-doors in a wholesome Christian atmosphere.
-To provide safe and comfortable opportunities for family camping.
-To share in Christian worship at informal campground services or  to attend a local church.
-To make new friends and continue long-time friendships with others.
-To assist others in need through Christian service (personal help, disaster relief, mission work)




Chapters schedule camp-outs on a regular basis. The number depends on the climate and wishes of the chapter.  Some chapters have a camp-out each month, while others schedule them every other month or during the warmer months if they are in states where winters are long and cold.

A national rally brings all chapters together once a year.  The national president selects a place and date for the national rally.




Activities vary among the chapters,  but usually include games, tours, golfing, fishing, shopping, sightseeing, business meeting, eating at a nearby restaurant and covered dish meals. We also do volunteer mission work at some camp-outs. Each chapter decides what activities they  want.  A devotional is given each day during a camp-out and the chapter either has a church service at the campground or attends a local church on Sunday.  The business meeting is opened with a pledge of allegiance to the U. S. Flag and a prayer.